This St. Patrick’s Day Tradition Has Consumers Worried About Source Water Quality

As St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated across the country, cities like Tampa Bay and Chicago are preparing to dye local source waterbodies a festive green. And that leads many consumers to wonder if this flashy tradition is damaging our source water.

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Read more about the article As Beijing Makes 49 Million Gallon’s Worth Of Snow, Source Water Pays Price
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As Beijing Makes 49 Million Gallon’s Worth Of Snow, Source Water Pays Price

As the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics reaches its conclusion, it may not be best remembered for its opening ceremony, international comradery or fierce competition. Rather, the event’s source water impact could be its most significant legacy.

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Meet The Solar-Powered Robotic Film That Could Be Our Best Chance To Fight Oil Spills

Among the numerous threats to drinking water and wastewater quality presented by ongoing climate change, the increasing likelihood of oil spills at sea is one of the most challenging. As ABC News reported recently, with sea levels rising and stronger storms striking, these water-contamination events could become more likely than ever.

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Read more about the article Getting Ready To Reopen? Not So Fast…
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Getting Ready To Reopen? Not So Fast…

As COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to inch upward across the U.S., office buildings and other businesses that remained closed are now springing back to life. However, because nobody has been around — to flush toilets, wash their hands, and drink from the water fountains — the water inside these facilities that remained stagnant long enough to harm those who return, if not properly addressed.

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